“The quality landscaping and the pedestrianised design of the estate all add to a sense of joy and well- being. This is a genuinely inspirational space to live.”
Derwenthorpe resident
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation appointed Fira to design their new flagship village development in York to create a people-centred new community. Derwenthorpe is a new village based on garden city principles similar to those employed at New Earswick.
The commission included the masterplanning of public realm for all four phases of development. The landscape forms the structure for the village, retaining and enhancing the existing hedgelines to create individual neighbourhoods, and giving a rural character to the scheme.
A major feature of the landscape design is the incorporation of a SUDS system, with open ditches and ponds to enhance the ecological value of the site. In addition, there are a hierarchy of lanes with a variety of treatments, including paving materials for a pedestrian friendly environment. The majority of car parking is located in the lanes to the rear of the houses, which can also be used for informal play and other social activities. The scheme is designed to create a safe and attractive environment with a legible public realm.
The award winning first phase has been completed and includes ‘Home zones’, a public square, play facilities for all ages and a large area of public open space.