Two exemplary schools in the heart of Bridgwater were created with the intention of extending the learning environment across the whole campus.
Robert Blake School and Chiltern Trinity School were part of the first phase of the Somerset BSF programme.
The design for Robert Blake and Chiltern Trinity Schools aimed to create spaces that inspire students to engage and work with their environment. Our proposals are based on the concept of the ‘Outdoor Classroom’ and incorporate the principles of the Learning Through Landscapes Trust. The designs created an exciting and imaginative layout for both schools responding to the design of the buildings by using strong axis and form, and to the surrounding natural landscape, bringing the countryside into the site.
Within Robert Blake School we created three arenas to provide unique external spaces, extending the school’s activities into the landscape, with each arena relating to the use of the adjacent internal learning spaces. Our proposals retained the beautiful landscape setting of the previous Elmwood School, enhancing it with further planting, and the outdoor classroom arenas were set within this attractive parkland, allowing access for all students and staff to gain maximum benefit from the landscape.